I fell down.
I fell down the front steps.
I fell down the front steps and landed flat on my butt.
I fell down the front steps and landed flat on my butt in a pool of water and mud.
Other than feeling like my spine had been compressed by the moon being suddenly dropped on top of my head, it really didn't hurt.
At least not on Sunday.
Monday, back at work, all was going well until I tried to balance a stick on top of my nose.
Sometimes I do that.
Balance things on top of my nose.
Well, light things. Not like chairs or lawn mowers.
Maybe a ukulele, if I dare.
But on Monday my neck was too stiff to balance anything.
And then on Tuesday I started walking like an old man.
On Wednesday I started walking like an old woman.
And then it got even worserer, which isn't really a word, but on Thursday I couldn't care less.
I'm typing this on Friday. (Actually, I'm typing this on a laptop, but...). I took the day off. No use in me sitting around at work all bummed out in pain, when I could be sitting around at home all bummed out in pain.
Luckily for me, as my wife was heading out the door for work, she left me a To Do List to do.
I guess she thought I'd be bored all alone at home.
Alone in the peace and quiet.
She's thoughtful like that.
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